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About Commision

The Examination Commission of Candidates to Judicial Office (hereinafter – the Commission) is a Commission formed under the provisions of Part 1 of Article 54 of the Law on Courts.

The Examination Commission composed of seven persons shall be formed for a period of three years by the Judicial Council. At least four members of the Commission must be judges. The Chairman of the Judicial Council shall nominate to the Examination Commission two judges and one academic having a law degree, whereas the largest judicial organisation and the Minister of Justice shall each nominate one judge and one academic having a law degree. The Judicial Council shall appoint one member from the Commission the chairman of the Commission.

The National Courts Administration shall provide technical services to the Commission.

A national of the Republic of Lithuania of high moral character, having a university degree in law and meeting the requirements established by law, upon submitting a health certificate, having a record of at least five years of work in the legal profession has a right to pass the examination for candidates to judges.
A person having Doctor or Habil. Doctor of Social Sciences (Law) degree, also a person of at least five years standing as a judge, if not more than five years have lapsed since he last held that position, shall be exempt from sitting for the candidate examination.
Applications for the examination shall be presented according the procedure established by the National Courts Administration. The Director of the National Courts Administration shall decide whether a person is allowed to take the examination for candidates to judicial office.

The examination for candidates to judicial office shall be set at least one every half year, except cases when there are no candidates able to take the examination. The Chairman of the Commission shall nominate the date, time and place of the examination of candidates to judicial office and also the number of persons taking the examination.
The candidates to the judicial office shall have a written examination. The examination shall consist of two parts: theoretical part and practice. Examination papers are updated at least once a year, except cases when during that period there were no candidates able to take the examination.
A decision of the Commission about the results of the examination may be appealed to the Judicial Council within ten days after its announcement.
If the complaint of a person was met and the decision of the Commission concerning the examination results was quashed a person during the nearest meeting of the Commission has a right to take the examination for candidates to judicial office once again.

The Rules of the Examination Commission of Candidates to Judicial Office